Terms of Use

Legal Notes and General Conditions of the Contract

1. Scope and object of the contract

1.1. These General Terms and Conditions govern the relationship between Pitmeadow Farm Limited (hereinafter "Pitmeadow") and the Client in relation to the provision of accommodation services chosen by the Customer in the booking proposal made among those offered by the Structure, which can be viewed on the website https://www.pitmeadowfarm.co.uk

1.2. The request for provision of the Services can be made by the Customer by submitting the Booking Proposal to Pitmeadow by: (i) sending an email to the mailbox fiona@pitmeadowfarm.co.uk; (ii) telephone, orally, by contacting the number +44 7762 182987; (iii) through the online booking procedure on the site.

1.3. The contract is considered concluded when the Customer formulates the Booking Proposal in the manner specified in point 1.2. and brings it to the attention of Pitmeadow. The effective conclusion is always subject to the availability of the Service. This confirmation is provided by Pitmeadow upon receipt of the Proposal or immediately after.

1.4. If the activation of the Services cannot take place due to impediments not attributable to Pitmeadow, the contract will be terminated automatically, without this implying any type of liability of Pitmeadow towards the Customer.

2. Activation and provision of the Service

2.1. Upon activation of the Service, Pitmeadow guarantees the Customer: – the use of furnished housing units (hereinafter "Rooms"), in the number and type defined in the Proposal, the possibility of using outdoor spaces, internet connection, weekly linen change, and every service required by the current regional law on short term accommodation owners in Scotland.

2.2. Pitmeadow will deliver any other ancillary equipment to the Customer on loan for use for the complete use of the selected Services (keys, cards, etc.).

2.3. The Customer must use the rooms, common areas and equipment in such a way as not to disturb the normal performance of the Service and/or all other parties at Pitmeadow. The Customer will be liable exclusively for any direct damages deriving from the violation of this obligation, holding Pitmeadow harmless from any consequence, cost or burden.

2.4. The Customer will hold Pitmeadow harmless from any prejudice, damage, liability, expenses, including legal ones, suffered or incurred by Pitmeadow, furthermore he will indemnify him from any action, reason, claim advanced by third parties against him that find cause or reason in behavior and/or omissions in any case attributable to the Customer himself or are in any case a consequence of the non-observance and/or violation of the precepts provided for by these General Contract Conditions.

3. Reservation and Payment

3.1. In the case of a reservation for a future period, unless otherwise agreed, Pitmeadow requires the customer to pay 100% of the full amount due to confirm the booking.

The customer has the right to cancel their booking and receive a full refund at any point up to 15 days before the agreed arrival date. Thereafter no refunds shall be repaid to the Customer by Pitmeadow.     

3.2. Failure to pay the amount due within the above terms will result in the forfeiture of the reservation, without the need for any communication from Pitmeadow.

4. Duration of the Contract, cancellations and penalties

4.1. The Contract is valid and effective from the date of conclusion of the Contract itself and ends if both of the following conditions are met:
– the Customer and third parties connected to it, or dependent on it, have definitively left the Pitmeadow facility;
– the Client has paid the entire amount due to Pitmeadow.

4.2. Check-in must be made between 16:00 and 20:00, there is no possibility to use the premises before this time. Any late arrivals must be agreed in advance with Pitmeadow. Failure to give notice may result in not being able to access the premises, for which complaints or reimbursement claims will not be accepted. Check-out must take place before 10:00.

4.3. the Customer has the right to cancel the booking and terminate the contract within the terms of the times referred to in point 3.1. No refunds shall be paid to guests who choose to leave before the required check out date/time.

4.4. No refunds shall be paid to guests who fail to adhere to the terms of the Contract, and are asked to leave before the required check out date/time.

5. Protection of privacy

5.1. The Customer is informed, pursuant to article 13 of Legislative Decree no. 196/2003, that the processing of personal data provided to Pitmeadow is necessary in order to allow Pitmeadow directly or through third parties to fulfill the obligations deriving from the Contract, or for the fulfillment of obligations established by Law and/or local authority regulations.

5.2. The data controller is the legal representative of Pitmeadow.

6. Documents

6.1. Upon arrival at Pitmeadow, the valid identity documents (Passport, Identity Card) required for the registrations required by current legislation must be delivered. Failure to comply with this obligation constitutes a violation of the provisions of the penal code and authorizes us to request immediate removal from the accommodation. The data of our guests are treated in accordance with current privacy legislation.

7. Liability of Pitmeadow

7.1. Pitmeadow will be responsible for breach of contract and for the provision of the Service exclusively for reasons attributable to it.

7.2. If, upon arrival, the Client notices a different Service than the agreed one but accepts it anyway, he automatically deprives himself of any claim for damages, and the new Service replaces the previously agreed one unless otherwise agreed by the parties at the point of arrival.

8. Limits of Liability

8.1. Pitmeadow will not be responsible in the event of delays, inconveniences, malfunctions and/or interruptions of the Service due to:
– unforeseeable circumstances or force majeure;
– tampering or interventions on the service or on the equipment carried out by the Customer or by third parties not authorized 
by Pitmeadow;
– damage or inconvenience caused by the total or partial interruption of the electricity or water supply;
– Pitmeadow will not be responsible for valuables owned by customers and brought inside the accommodation.

9. Management recommends

9.1. Noise:
Respectful noise levels are required between 22:00 and 08:00 hrs. A behaviour must also be maintained that at no time of the day harms the reasonable tranquility of others.

9:2. Safety and Access:
Children must be accompanied by an adult in all working and storage areas of the farm.

9.3. Subletting:
The customer cannot sublet or loan the accommodation, in whole or in part.

9.4. Garden Kitchen:
The Garden Kitchen in the West Steading is not available to guests unless formally agreed.

9.5. Smoking/Vaping:
moking/Vaping is permitted outside away from working areas, storage areas and areas occupied by animals.

9.6. Weapons and Recreational Drugs:
All weapons and non-essential equipment that may be harmful to others, and all forms of recreational drugs are strictly forbidden.

9.7. Personal objects:

Guests are responsible for their personal items and personal property at all times. Pitmeadow is not responsible for loss, theft or damage to personal items and personal property, without exception.

9.8. Animals and Pets:
All guest animals and pets are subject to request and authorisation.

9.9. Modesty:
It is forbidden to present yourself in a manner that may reasonably offend others. In any case, guests are forbidden to perform acts and behave in a way that could cause harassment to the other Pitmeadow occupants, guests and visitors.

9.10. Toilets:
The Pitmeadow sewage system is private and is only able to process natural waste and the toilet paper supplied.

9.10. Countryside Living:
Guests are required to understand and respect the limitations, as well as the advantages, of countryside living.